Food & Drink
by Aspect County

Chicken Yakitori

Product: Cook and Store rectangular dish with lid 28×20cm

Serves: 3 – 4 servings, approx. 1400 kcal total

Preparation time: 10 mins (plus marinating time)

Cooking time: 10 mins

650g chicken thighs, cut into 3 or 4 chunks
20g soy sauce
5g ginger
5g salt
100g soy
50g sugar
100g mirin (Japanese cooking wine)
• Sesame seeds and spring onion to garnish

1. In a Pyrex Cook and Store, marinate the chicken thighs in 20g soy sauce, ginger and salt. Store in the fridge and leave for at least one hour or overnight.

2. Create the glaze by heating additional soy sauce, sugar and mirin together in a pan and reduce to a sticky glaze.

3. Skewer chicken pieces and cook on all sides on a BBQ or in the oven. 

4. When the chicken is cooked apply the glaze and cook for a further minute taking care not to burn the glaze.

5. Top with sesame seeds and sliced spring onion.

6. Keep any leftovers in a Pyrex Cook & Store. 

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