Last month Vinehall School hosted an event in partnership with local primary schools to promote French and Math’s learning.
The event, called Le VIP (The Vinehall Independent Primary Partnership) was as a result of the School successfully bidding to the Department of Education earlier in the year, a proposal to form partnerships with local primary schools in the Kent and East Sussex area, the aim being to boost engagement and attainment in the two subjects. The local schools involved include Sacred Heart, Lamberhurst St Mary’s C of E and Catsfield C of E Primary Schools.
Teachers from all of the involved schools have been meeting on a regular basis to share ideas and resources and to put together the first of a series of pupil challenge events which was held on Monday.
The day was centered around the theme ‘Le Vacances’ – ‘The Holidays’ and saw children in mixed school groups taking part in a range of fun activities run by teachers from all the schools. Activities included playing boule, changing money and shopping, French baking, camping and planning pan-European train journeys.
This was the first of a series of events that will be taking part at Vinehall over the course of the next academic year.
Vinehall School, Robertsbridge, East Sussex.
Telephone 01580 880413