by Aspect County

Meet Barney Durrant, Head of College at St Lawrence College

How would you describe the relationship between teachers, students, and parents at this school?
Ultimately, the cornerstone of our educational community is the relationship that exists among parents, pupils, and the school. This triad is often likened to a triangle, and I firmly believe that when we have the support and collaboration of both children and parents, children can truly achieve their utmost potential.

We couldn’t encourage our students to excel without the unwavering support of parents. Our relationship extends beyond academics. We deeply value parental involvement in school events, be it concerts, plays, sporting competitions, or art exhibitions. This sense of community enriches our school experience.

SLC Sixth Form in Library with Head of College

How is the school committed to academic excellence in the Sixth Form programme?
The Sixth Form experience isn’t solely about academics; it encompasses a holistic approach to education. While academic achievement is a core focus, we also prioritise the overall development and well-being of our students. Our commitment extends to aspects such as socialisation, community engagement, and acts of charity and service. Specifically in the academic sphere, we offer a diverse range of elements such as the London Institute of Banking and Finance qualification and the Extended Project Qualification.

We understand that preparation for highly competitive university courses, like those at Oxbridge or in fields such as medicine, dentistry, and veterinary science, requires special attention. Thus, we have established a Competitive Courses Group. This group meets regularly to provide interview preparation, deliver presentations, and even organise visits. 

St Lawrence College 145

What sets this school apart when it comes to preparing Sixth Form students for higher education or their chosen career paths?
A fundamental aspect of our educational approach lies in the way our school is structured. We are not merely an institution focused on churning out exam results or top grades alone, although we consistently achieve outstanding results, with exceptionally high value-added scores. Our primary emphasis revolves around nurturing well-rounded individuals.

While academic excellence is certainly vital, it’s not the sole dimension of success. Yes, achieving As and A*s is a part of the equation, as these grades open the doors to universities. However, it’s equally imperative to identify the right course for each student. Our student body is incredibly diverse, hailing from various international backgrounds and exhibiting a wide range of academic abilities and experiences.

Moreover, our approach extends beyond academics; we place great emphasis on the social aspect of education. Preparing students for university life entails equipping them with essential social skills, empathy, and an understanding of living in harmony with others. Here, the boarding community plays a pivotal role. The boarding environment nurtures an understanding of diversity and the importance of collaboration for the collective good.

How is the school committed to holistic development for its Sixth Form students?
In our sixth form, as in all levels of our school, we continue to offer opportunities for participation in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF). This extends to the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the Army, which allows our students to explore and so follow their interests in these areas.

In the younger years, all our students participated in CCF during their third year, and they achieved their bronze Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) award in the fourth year. As they progress, students have the option to simultaneously pursue CCF and DofE, often working toward their silver or gold DofE awards by the time they finish the Sixth Form.

Our school goes beyond the standard curriculum by offering diverse opportunities in sports, arts, drama, and music, typical of a top-tier independent school. Leadership development is integral to our approach, with students mentoring younger pupils, assisting with academics, and even refereeing Junior School tournaments. These experiences, both formal and informal, such as serving as prefects or heads of school, play a crucial role in shaping our students into well-rounded individuals.
