by Aspect County

Growing Up at Kent College

Kent College Pembury is a school which ensures every student, whether they are 3 or 18 years of age, will succeed above and beyond their potential. Whatever a student’s strength, the environment and opportunities at Kent College provide the perfect setting to stretch, challenge and champion them to thrive. 

Kent College Aerial

While academic achievement is at the heart of a Kent College education, we also recognise that confidence, resilience and other life skills are built through a well-rounded approach to learning. Outside of the curriculum, students are encouraged to push boundaries and step out of their comfort zone, ensuring that they learn to cope with pressure and setbacks, turning potential obstacles into opportunities for individual growth.

Kent College Prep pupils who join our Senior School and stay with us until the end of their Sixth Form years, demonstrate the best examples of personal growth. Often joining us as young children, our students benefit from a supportive environment with an emphasis on emotional literacy and many extracurricular opportunities available to them, be it in leadership roles, as part of a sports team, or performing in a school play. These experiences teach students the value of perseverance and help our children successfully grow up into confident and resilient adults, ready to take on the world.


Matilda is one of our success stories. Joining Kent College Prep in Year 5 and now in the Lower Sixth, Matilda’s potential was recognised as an all-round track and field athlete, and she is now excelling in the high jump. She is ranked second in the country for her age group and aims to represent Great Britain in the future.

When asked how her time at Kent College has helped her prepare for her future, Matilda says, I immediately felt the support and encouragement from the teachers when I joined Kent College Prep. The transition to the Senior School was smooth and gave me so many opportunities to try different sports. I would never have thought about high jump if it wasn’t for the inclusive and supportive staff at KC


Kent College has taught me to be confident in myself and helped me to be a well-rounded person, from my sport to my academics. I have also learnt that failure is key to success. I’ve knocked a lot of high jump bars down but having the determination and self-belief to go again next time is crucial.”

To find out how Kent College ensures our students are not only equipped with knowledge but also with the compassion, confidence and resilience needed to thrive in a constantly changing world, join us at one of our events this Autumn term. Visit website to book.


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