Arts & Culture
by Aspect County

Framed and conserved by Arté

Your precious heirlooms, memorabilia and paintings can now be preserved to the highest museum standard.

Do you remember that delightful crayon picture your daughter drew of you in her first year at school? Where is it now? Probably in the loft or shoved in a bottom drawer somewhere. What about Grandpa’s hickory shafted putter; the one he said was given to him by Henry Cotton? Or the Military Cross Uncle Albert was awarded for heroism displayed on the Normandy beaches? And then there’s that wonderful photograph taken of you with your arm around Keith Moon, the drummer of The Who. And the England football shirt with Bobby Moore’s signature that you think is worth a fortune.

All of us have precious stuff’ that means so much we would never dream of throwing it away and yet we never bother to display it properly. Well, I know what you should do with it. Place it carefully in the back of the car, drive down to Rye Harbour and ask Sally and Mike of Arté if they would frame it properly for you. Instead of gathering dust, it could then be put on show and receive the attention it deserves. All that’s required is a bit of imagination and a few bits of wood,” reveals Mike somewhat modestly. 

With several decades of picture-framing experience, initially in the West Country and more recently in Weybridge, Arté are extremely expert in every aspect of the business and will happily offer you whatever help you may require. As well as identifying suitable frames – of which they have literally hundreds to choose from – they will gladly advise on the most appropriate glass and how best to present the item. Your biggest problem might be locating their unit on Rye Wharf (it’s on the left-hand side of Harbour Road just before the Inkerman Arms).

Having moved to Rye about 18 months ago and opened for business at the beginning of last year, Sally and Mike are keen to continue doing the work they so evidently love when most of their contemporaries are doing nothing more demanding than the odd bit of gardening. To help them, they have all the very latest cutting-edge’ equipment, thanks to Mike, who is a self-confessed gadget freak.

Their speciality is conservation framing’. That means you could, if the customer wanted to at any time in the future, take the item out of the frame and it would be in exactly the same state as it was when it went in,” explains Mike. To be able to do that requires a high level of expertise and the finest materials. For example, the wrong adhesive could prove catastrophic as indeed could the wrong pins. Everything Arté do is to the very highest museum’ standard.

As well as memorabilia, Sally and Mike are obviously very happy to frame pictures and paintings. With an enormous reputation among interior designers and throughout the business, they have sufficient glowing testimonials to comfortably cover the walls of the National Gallery. Certainly framing them would present no problem whatsoever. 

Arté Specialist Picture Framers 

Unit N, Rastrum, Rye Wharf,
Harbour Road, Rye. TN31 7TE
Tel: 01797 224869