Arts & Culture
by Aspect County

Coastal Currents riding on the crest of an art wave

Coastal Currents Arts Festival
3 September – 2 October, Open Studios 3, 4 and 10, 11 September

This year, Coastal Currents Arts Festival supports ROOT 1066 Festival of Contemporary Arts as they celebrate the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror’s invasion of England with a one-off festival promising innovative and fresh perspectives on the history and legacy of 1066.

Coastal Currents will continue to do what it does best and provide you with one of the finest celebrations of art and culture in the South East.

Showcasing a packed programme of events and exhibitions featuring Artist Collectives, Taster Shows, performances and live outdoor pieces including Jimmy Cauty (Dismaland) on the Stade as part of Stade Saturdays and Journalist David Quantick hosting special music themed events at Electric Palace Cinema. 

Not forgetting the life blood of Coastal Currents, the much loved Open Studios trails taking place on the 3, 4 and 10, 11 September this year throughout Hastings, St Leonards, Bexhill, Fairlight, Pett, Rye and even as far as Udimore. With a great deal of new studios to explore and so many choices in each area, it makes sense to save the dates in your diary now. 

Photographs by Alexander Brattell